"Reality" tv whores, Spencer and Heidi (or as Hollywood has dubbed them, "Speidi"), were caught completely unaware by those ever-lurking paps(ok, they have the paps on speed dial, the gig is up), and just so happened to be wearing unintentionally hilarious promotional gear for Repubs. Spencer, are you out hunting for your next meal in the Hollywood hills? Is that why you're hoisting the BB Gun over your shoulder? Heidi, are you promoting girl-power with your seductive lipstick kissed tank and short-shorts? The six-inch heels are a great accessory for the nature hike that you and your famewhore of a sleazebag of a doesn't-deserve-to-be-called-a-man-friend are embarking upon. And you clearly read up on the chapter entitled, "how to suck your 15 minutes of fame drier than the Sahara" in your book about profiting from our deteriorating (deteriorated?) economy! Could you simply not bear to place the book in your gigantor designer bag you're loafing around with? The Buds are a clever nod to your hero's "Joe Six-Pack" target audience, Spencer, you get double kudos for that one. Actually, throw me one of those frosties, I need one after wasting 10 minutes of my life incredulously gaping at you two. The message is clear folks- Vote Republican, and you too can be as cool as Speidi!