(disclaimer: some of these have been expounded upon ideas and notes from the darkufo blog)
- Obviously Mrs. Hawkings is Daniel's mother
- Desmond's purpose is to be the messenger between the times
- Ben Linus, obviously, is as sinister, entertaining, and badass as ever
- Miles is Marvin Candle's son (stolen from the threads)
- Farraday was with the Dharma Initiative in the 70's, apparently the same age as he is in the present, which would lend support to the theory that the people are moving through time NOT the island. If the island moved back and forth through time, the people would be aging accordingly
- When Ben lists the people needed to go back and save the Losties, he only mentions Sun, Sayid, Hurley, Kate, Jack & Locke--not Aaron
- Apparently the "Others" are not moving through time with the Losties, and are oblivious to the blinding light that immediately precedes time warps.
- I disagree with the overwhelmingly popular theory that Ben sent the attorneys to take Aaron from Kate--I think Sun did. She is going to force Kate to experience the same pain and loss that she experienced when she lost Jin. This evilness ironically makes me like Sun a lot more. Whether it was Ben or Sun's doing, the possibility of losing Aaron will motivate Kate into going somewhere (i.e., the Island) that Aaron can't be taken from her.
- Continuing with my Sun theory-- I don't think she's teaming with Widmore to hurt Ben, I think she wants to use his power to hurt Kate.
- I think time can, in fact, be changed. I haven't fully thought this out yet, but I think one of the "rules" is that you're not supposed to change the past. Hence, when Keamy shot Alex, Ben said Widmore broke the rule. But if time cannot be changed, why is Alpert giving Locke specific instructions to get the Oceanic 6 back to the island, leading you to think they were never supposed to have left in the first place. Locke has to change the course of history, and die in process. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
- Desmond can also change the past. He saved Charlie, and he's going to save everyone by going to see Farraday in the future. As noted on darkufo, Desmond seemed to gain the ability to alter past events when he turned the failsafe key in the hatch and was jolted through time. Somehow, the rules no longer apply to him.
- I still am majorly annoyed by Locke. Hurley too. I'm trying to warm up to them, but they're annoying. There, I said it.

Questions that arose (or remain):
- How does Jacob fit into all this? If Ben and Hawkings are working to fix the "time skipping" problem on the island, then what is Jacob's agenda?
- What's the story behind Farraday working with the original Dharma crew?
- What's in Ben's mystery box hidden in the air duct?
- Who is Jill?
- Is Locke really dead, and why do they call him Bentham?
- Why has Sayid turned on Ben?
1 comment:
Most invested viewers of LOST have faith that it's "going somewhere."
In iconoclast fashion, I predict a vastly underwhelming conclusion.
The show could go on and on in endless subterfuge, but I highly doubt the ever-expanding plot that has developed is purpose-driven.
Sometimes the ride is more important than the destination, anyway.
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